My poor hubby had to work for yet another holiday! So far that's been Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Easter! It's starting to bum me out a little bit! But we did bring all the leftovers from the dinner to the station so all the guys could have a little Easter brunch (Ok it was a huge Easter brunch it lasted all his shift) With that being said almost everything we did was on video so he didn't miss out so much. I did get a snapshot for my weekly picture and of course a couple of my princess!
How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Lost 9 lbs
Maternity clothes? YUP and loving them!
Stretch marks? No new ones so far! Fingers crossed!
Sleep: Less sleep than usual and sometimes way less
Miss Anything? Feeling comfortable
Movement: Foster is still super low and head down we have a doctors appt coming up to talk to the doctor about it.
Food cravings: EVERYTHING! Still hungry always. Feel free to bring fruit and veggies by anytime!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, not really. I'm not loving pregnancy but I'm loving the little boy inside me!
Have you started to show yet: Definately. I'm a monster
Gender: My perfect little man, Foster!
Labor Signs: Nope. Hopefully not for 4 more months! (15-17 more weeks!)
Belly Button in or out? In still but poking out a bit
Wedding rings on or off? On! I really want to be able to keep them the whole time.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Feeling extremely happy and blessed
Doesn't she look beautiful in her Easter dress! and her basket was almost as big as she was!

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