So there's a lot to update on, it's not necessarily happy or sad, it's just the way this pregnancy is going and has been going since the beginning. Many of you already know I am on bed rest and I have gotten so many loving messages but I wasn't wanting to share the full story until I had answers. It's been two weeks and I'm not closer to figuring out what's going on then I was then so I thought I would share what I knew, and update later.
The night of the Super Bowl I was feeling more nauseous than usual and was having pretty regular Braxton hicks. I didn't think anything of it being as how I've been sick this entire pregnancy. Bryson and I ended up leaving the party early and were planning on just hanging out at home with the kids.
I was still feeling nauseous at home so I got up to get some water. After getting my water my eyes went really blurry, I could still see light, just no shapes. I grabbed onto the counter, thinking I had just stood up to fast. All of a sudden my legs went numb and I fell but I caught myself. I was leaning on my arms and then they went numb as well. Bryson had rushed into the kitchen to see what was going on. I still thought I had maybe stood up to fast but I couldn't see and everything was numb. All of a sudden, every muscle in my body started contracting and shaking. Bryson ran and got the kids in jammies to get ready to go to the hospital. I thought it only lasted a second but I guess it lasted a lot longer, long enough for him to get the kids ready and loaded up into the car. Then he came back in and carried me out to the car.
On the drive to the hospital I felt like I couldn't breathe, I still couldn't see and my muscles were still contracting. By the time we got there my vision was in and out. Bryson brought me into the ER and then got the kids. (side note I was super disgusted with SJRMC, not ONE person helped) Bryson ended up bringing me to L&D and they only started helping me once they took my insurance information and waited to get a drug test back. Once they had all of that suddenly everyone was in full gear trying to get my heart rate/blood pressure down, trying to get the convulsions to stop and running other tests...I don't know, I guess I thought they would try to help and assume it wasn't drug related *eye roll*
Blood work came back and I had protein in my urine, bp was high, upper abdominal pain, blurry vision, seizures, and consistent contractions. They also found a blood clot in my uterus but my Dr. says it's unrelated and should pass by itself. All signs pointing to pre eclampsia (which I had with Lo, along with eclampsia afterwards). Once everything was under control I was sent home. A couple days later my Dr had me come in to check everything.
Right now, I have blood work testing my liver, kidneys, thyroid, and gallbladder. I am also on modified bed rest to wear I can't be sitting up or walking for over 30 minutes and have to lay down for an hour after those 30 minutes, I can't lift over 5 lbs, as soon as I start getting braxton hicks I have to sit down..... I think that's it! As boring as it is, bed rest is truly helping the contractions and my blood pressure. I still have quite a few contractions but they aren't very strong when I am laying down.
There are so many things I can't do at home. I can't pick up Foster, this goes with putting him into bed, the bath, the car, etc., I can't lift my laundry or the vacuum, I can hardly even cook dinner in the 30 minutes I have allotted to be up. No shoots, unless they are already scheduled. Bryson has been great with picking up the slack and I'll be staying at my parents while he is at work.
Now! Onto my 24 week update!
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Last night- 24 weeks |
Total weight gain: 16 lbs
Gender: We know but aren't ready to say.
Name: River Jayce
Maternity Clothes: Still in normal clothes for the most part.
Stretch marks? No new ones that I can see.
Sleep: I have slept ok, these past couple of nights! Knock on wood. I do have an old injury flaring up that makes it almost impossible for me to roll over/sit up though.
Movement: Little River is a mover! S/he is always on the move. Rolling, punching, kicking, I'll have to take a run video of how crazy my stomach has been.
Best moment this week: We went to dinner with my family last night, that was fun but after two hours I was feeling not so great. Hubby also deep cleaned the car and picked up the house which was so sweet and he's been making most of the meals.
Miss Anything: Doing things! I feel so bored! I wish I would've jam packed the last couple of weeks with shoots so I at least had work to do. It's more mentally challenging being in bed all day rather than physically tiring.
Belly button in or out? Its a half-y right now.
Food cravings: Nothing too bad! I have actually been eating pretty good lately, which is a nice change. I feel less of course I have to stay in bed. ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: By bed time I am over it. I want River here and I am sick of being in constant pain.
Labor Signs: A lot of Braxton hicks and consistent contractions if I am up too much.
Symptoms: Everything listed in the novel above ;)
Wedding ring on or off? On and feeling normal, it's normally big but I've had some swelling lately.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I don't know if I'm really happy or really grumpy, just sort of melancholy.
Looking forward to: Getting back my test results, they will decide if we just keep doing what we're doing, strict bed rest or hospital bed rest. It will also decide any medications that I should be taking.
River got quite a few gender- neutral clothes that I am soooo excited about! Also, a first hint for boy or girl :)
Now I am going to bombard you with bump selfies :) These are all in the last two weeks. 22-24 weeks :)
By nighttime I am huge!
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