Ok. Don't judge me.
My hubby and I have been living together for four years and I still jump on the struggle bus when it comes to keeping the laundry room clean.
They shouldn't put a door on the freakin things and maybe when my hubby asks about where all his (___insert clothing item here___) are, I wouldn't respond with, "outta sight, outta mind." I try, I really do. But it's either dishes or clothes and dishes normally win. I think it has to do with the whole door thing. I really should just take that dang thing off.
The picture I'm about to show you is mega embarrassing. I promise the rest of my house does not look like this...except maybe my bathroom....notice the my. No I don't share with anyone. I take it over.
Back to the image. Again, don't judge me.

Like I said, this is just a start. Eventually Bryson wants to put in floating shelves and completely take out the wrack, OHMYGOSH!!!! So as I was stacking the last things on the shelves one of the wheels fell off and the ENTIRE SHELVING UNIT STARTED TO FALL OVER ON ME! Thank goodness Bryson was helping me get the stroller from the top of the freezer and he jumped down and quick put the wheel back on. I was sweating from holding it up. It was really scary. -----> back to what I was saying----> and as my vegan staples grow I'll probably move the cans out to the shed except the ones we use regularly and I already have a big bag of food that I am donating I may donate more from the top shelf as well.
Well that's all! I think I'll just set up a chair in there and look at it for awhile...ok ok I'll do some more laundry.
My hubby and I have been living together for four years and I still jump on the struggle bus when it comes to keeping the laundry room clean.
They shouldn't put a door on the freakin things and maybe when my hubby asks about where all his (___insert clothing item here___) are, I wouldn't respond with, "outta sight, outta mind." I try, I really do. But it's either dishes or clothes and dishes normally win. I think it has to do with the whole door thing. I really should just take that dang thing off.
The picture I'm about to show you is mega embarrassing. I promise the rest of my house does not look like this...except maybe my bathroom....notice the my. No I don't share with anyone. I take it over.
Back to the image. Again, don't judge me.

Ugh. I hated going in that stupid laundry room. And in full disclosure here....this is actually way more picked up then it was a week ago....
The laundry room was super organized once upon a time but them my hubby decided to take up the bottom shelf with all the cleaning supplies and then his tools needed a spot and then took up a whole shelf with randomness but after looking at loads of inspiration on Pinterest I decided I might as well just jump into it. After a quick Target run I picked up some crates, jars and an organizational clothes hamper and after a couple of hours this is the result!
I put cleaning supplies on the bottom left and baking/stuff I need bigger jars for on the right. Some of the stuff in the pantry we don't use any more but I don't throw away food so we'll use it until it's gone. Above that are the onions/potatoes and a bin for healthy snacks and a bin for indulgent snacks.
I picked up the crates at Target and after looking for 45 minutes I cannot find them anywhere online but here are some similar ones. But like I said, I just bought them at Target last night, so if you have a Target they probably have them.
The cans take up SO much space and we never use anything except the broths, beans and tomatoes but I like to keep non perishables at the house just in case. Again, not all the cans are vegan but I don't like to throw away food. The jars are only a start of my vegan pantry but so far it's going good! I cut out the names from the packaging and the cook times if their was one and then taped it to the back. As soon as my pantry is more established on vegan staples I'll do a post on what to keep in your pantry.
Above the jars are my random spices and I used to coupon so we have a ton of kethups, syrups, and other random things so they go up there instead of in the trash, I'm sure we'll use them eventually. Also up there is a big thing of beans and pancake mix, puffs and my Ice waters. On the top shelf is my crafting stuff that I use pretty regularly and all of my wrapping stuff.
I have a feeling that this is seriously going to be a game changer. Instead of throwing everything in one big hamper to be dumped on the ground and sorted Bryson picked up this laundry sorter so there is one for darks, lights, delicates and towels. They are pretty small but it's almost a full load of laundry (I tested the darks) so I'll still do it as they get full. I considered getting two of these because the bags come off and I could fold clothes and have one for each of us but then I thought that we wouldn't put away clothes then and end up with a ton, especially the little ones.
Like I said, this is just a start. Eventually Bryson wants to put in floating shelves and completely take out the wrack, OHMYGOSH!!!! So as I was stacking the last things on the shelves one of the wheels fell off and the ENTIRE SHELVING UNIT STARTED TO FALL OVER ON ME! Thank goodness Bryson was helping me get the stroller from the top of the freezer and he jumped down and quick put the wheel back on. I was sweating from holding it up. It was really scary. -----> back to what I was saying----> and as my vegan staples grow I'll probably move the cans out to the shed except the ones we use regularly and I already have a big bag of food that I am donating I may donate more from the top shelf as well.
Well that's all! I think I'll just set up a chair in there and look at it for awhile...ok ok I'll do some more laundry.
Looks great! Scariness with the shelf though! Glad you're okay!
It was so scary! Thank you :)
Okay, seriously this post totally got me in my "Martha Stewart" mode. Yesterday I cleaned, finished one project and started and completed another. Thank you for the little extra nudge I needed! xo
Wow, what a change! That laundry sorter is gonna make a big difference, I know. Amazing before and afters! :)
Shoot, I wish I had your motivation!
Hopefully I keep up with it! Thank you :)
I can't decide if I'm more impressed by the before or the after! hahaha :P
It takes a special level of skill to ignore the tornado in the laundry room ;)
I love that you shared this picture! Truth be told, mine looks a lot like that some days of the week. I really like that four-bin hamper you have. I only wonder if it would be big enough for my brood. We have a lot of laundry!
I really love the hamper BUT it does not even hold a full load. We have been filling it up in 3-4 days. I am sure there are bigger ones though that would hold more. I just need the small one because I fill it up to the very top before I do it.
My pantry and laundry are separate from each other, which I love because the laundry room is always a mess, but the pantry is practically perfect. I think it is because I always use the pantry at least once a day and I like the convenience of being able to see what I have on hand with just a glance.
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